Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Future of Catholicism

TRADITIO, in Latin, means to give. Tradition is a gift from one generation to the next. For over two thousand years, our fathers have passed down the greatest gift that we could ever ask for. What can we do as Catholics to make sure our children and future generations will receive the same gift?

We must not settle with being content and knowing that one day our children may have no mass to attend!

We are aware of Saint Jude's Shrine in Stafford, Texas. Father Campbell, who resides there, is a remarkable priest and the Church is full of faithful Catholics. There is no doubt that Father Campbell is a true Priest who offers the True Mass. And yes, Saint Jude’s Shrine is an excellent Church to attend.

HOWEVER, we are openly sedevacantists. This blog exists, because we are concerned with the future of Traditional Catholicism in Houston. Although, it is a blessing to have one or two Priests, it would be a blessing to channel our attention to the severe issue. It is time to start thinking about not only our generation but for our children and the future of Catholics. We no longer want to worry about what will become of our Mass if something were to happen to our current Priests, such as an illness, a death, or even a possible conversion to SSPX or Novus Ordo (New Church).

There have been incidences where this has occurred before. One specific example would be: Christ the King Church in Alabama. Fr. Giardina, the head of the Abbey, died, and a couple of Priests under him were planning to give away that Holy Church of God to the deceitful Novus Ordo (New Church) and they almost had their way, but right before the Church could be taken over, Bishop Pivaranus (a true traditional Bishop) sent a Priest there to perform Mass. Those Catholics almost lost their Mass and were nearly left for dead in spiritual desert, but thanks to His Excellency, that did not occur.

Our goal is to find enough families who would be willing to have Mass at least once a month from a Priest sent by one of these Sedevacantist Bishops (Bishop Pivaranus, Bishop Dolan, or Bishop Sanborn). If something were to happen to our Priest, another would immediately be sent by the Bishop. We will no longer need to worry about losing our Mass.

Eventually, if we get enough people over time, our plan is to have Mass at a permanent location. We believe it is possible to have a Church headed by true Bishops, with true Priests, and filled with true Catholics right here in Houston!

Faithful Catholics, the need for Priests is becoming greater every day. By being under a Bishop, we will have what we need in order to have a permanent Mass. We know this will take time, but remember how much time passed before our Church was brought down into ruins. Let us reverse this and rebuild what we once had!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The intention of this blog:

The intention of this blog is to post about important catholic issues, family life, and to find traditional catholics in the Houston, Texas area.

It would be really wonderful to find ten or more traditional catholic families who would be interested in gathering once a month for mass in the Houston area. We would need to pool our monies together to fly in a traditional catholic priest to serve mass once a month. Our current goal is to have at least ten families who would be interested in doing this. ***We are not exclusive to just the Houston area, people from other states or cities in Texas are more than welcome to come, gather, and communicate if they have interest too. Please contact us at if you are interested or leave a comment below.***