Sunday, February 16, 2014

The intention of this blog:

The intention of this blog is to post about important catholic issues, family life, and to find traditional catholics in the Houston, Texas area.

It would be really wonderful to find ten or more traditional catholic families who would be interested in gathering once a month for mass in the Houston area. We would need to pool our monies together to fly in a traditional catholic priest to serve mass once a month. Our current goal is to have at least ten families who would be interested in doing this. ***We are not exclusive to just the Houston area, people from other states or cities in Texas are more than welcome to come, gather, and communicate if they have interest too. Please contact us at if you are interested or leave a comment below.***


  1. Realize this is old. Did you have any success with this. Unfortunately, I'm in Austin. But, you're close enough!

  2. Hi,Mike Ruse, it's cool that you commented, I was wondering the same thing. I also just came across this blog, which is like 4 years old! I'm in Laredo, was hoping to find more of us.
